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Welcome to

Iwade School

We are a three-form primary school at the heart of the village of Iwade on the outskirts of Sittingbourne, Kent.


Our school is organised in to three communities: Sky, Forest and Ocean. Each community runs through from Year R to Year 6 - this is to build the community ethos of a small school within a school model.  


Three communities, one family.

Together we learn, we grow, we achieve.


We are lucky enough to be part of Bourne Alliance Multi Academy Trust; a collaborative Trust of 4 local schools. We benefit from shared expertise and opportunities in the best interest of our pupils, parents and staff through their journey here at Iwade School.


We are very proud of our pupils and our school. Our children contribute to school life. When asked they say they appreciate that they have a voice which can make a difference – they say, 

'We have got positive energy’!


Our vision is that our children will have received a curriculum that is creative, ambitious, diverse and inclusive, offering equal opportunities so that every child leaves ready for the next stage in their learning journey. 


It is also important to us that all of our children achieve well, regardless of their starting points. We offer outdoor learning opportunities for all, to develop resilience, problem-solving, collaboration and environmental awareness – all of which are enhanced by our incredible Forest School.


We harness a strong belief that working closely with our parents will support the children in their learning and their well-being. By the time they leave our school, we want our children to have a strong sense of identity and to be confident and responsible citizens, demonstrating our school values:

 Inclusive Welcoming Aspirational Diverse Extraordinary.


Mrs Katrine Stewart
Head of School

Our Values

Three communities, one family. Together we learn, we grow, we achieve.

Inclusive Welcoming Aspirational Diverse Extraordinary.